Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ministry of Higher Education, Riyadh

I was more than pleasured giving a visit to Riyadh's Ministry of Higher Education 
with Dr. Fatima

as I meat almost 80% of KSA's Deans and vice Deans of different colleges and universities AROUND KSA

as each one was proud about her achievements in her college

for example: i loved King Faisal university as they designed the buildings to separate both males and females by floors not different locations

so the females could attend the lecture from the first floor and males from the ground floor 
in order no lack of communications happens in the process of teaching 

I was so happy and honoured to have a 5 minutes speech on the stage in front of the KSA leaders 
as a very small number of students got the chance 

and i hope that what i said would change in my country at least 1 bit 
for females to get the right education they deserve

my goal was to motivate saudi colleges to open a new field in the computing colleges about 
artificial intelligent 
and explaining why is it important and how am i very interested in this field especially in researches 
AI, lays under lots of current applications that people uses daily 
such as 
Siri, voice recognition 
unlock mobile using Face recognition my android
medical smart camera's 

and meny other applications 

and from my understanding of AI 
me and my dear friend sara combined some clips about it 
to zoom the picture in people's minds 

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